Thursday, February 14, 2008

Schooled by Gordon Korman

This is the new book by the author of the very funny books Son of the Mob, and The 6th Grade Nickname Game. I loved this book, especially since I lived in Vermont in the 1970's and 80's and actually knew people who lived on communes like the one Cap is growing up on. When Cap's grandmother has to go into the hospital, Cap has to move to town to live in a normal house and go to a normal school (he has always been homeschooled by his grandmother). He has never watched television, or used a telephone or a computer. The bullies at the Claverage Middle School (which the kids call "C average" because that's what you get if you take the "l" out of the name) think Cap will be an easy target. I mean, come on, he wears sandals made out of corn husks. How he becomes the most popular kid in school makes for a great story. The chapters are told in alternating points of view, including Cap (full name Capricorn Anderson), Mrs. Donnelly (the social worker he goes to stay with), and Sophie Donnelly (her snobby daughter). Review by Stacy Church

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this book! Cap is sooo into nature and his simple lifestyle is very charming. I would love, if a movie was created on this book. Gordan Korman is an excellent writer, I am very thrilled about all of his amazing books!

-student of CMS(: